I took this picture on a white wall and photoshopped it to look like it’s all nice and professional 🙃

I took this picture on a white wall and photoshopped it to look like it’s all nice and professional 🙃

Hey! I’m Nandan Venkatesan (pronounced none-done) and I love working with data, processes, and automation!

I've always been interested in finding the least time-consuming way to do things. This “lazy”, rather creative way of life piqued my interest in Industrial Engineering

My professional goal is to combine my continuous improvement, engineering, and programming skills to make a tangible difference to technology products & services

I have a skill-oriented approach to life, whether that’s job-related or otherwise, I believe we can combine a bunch of stuff we already know (or want to know) to yield synergistic results

<aside> 🎤 Synergy can be defined as

“the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects”


Contact me at [email protected] - would be happy to chat!