<aside> 📦 TL;DR: A Material Shortage Dashboard for Harley-Davidson. Saves $6500+ per inventory issue
For a similar material system used during production, see PREP - Predictive Replenishment
Note - I’m unable to share the code / a live link to the app as it’s an internal project. However, I’ve detailed my thought process to keep specificities at a minimum.
As part of digitizing Harley-Davidson’s manufacturing facility in York, PA, I led the development of a user-friendly, interactive dashboard that tracks current inventory shortages and predicts impending inventory shortages on the production line based on upcoming product orders.
Harley-Davidson Materials Team @ York, PA - created as part of my role as a Systems (Mfg.) Engineering Co-Op
<aside> 👨‍💻 Note: I was responsible for end-to-end product development over a 3 month timeframe with a user-base of 5+ Material Planners
The system lacked transparency and visibility regarding inventory shortages and execution status amongst the Materials team
Out of five data sources, two were used to identify shortages via an unscheduled Excel Macro
From a technical standpoint, this was a two-fold problem involving: